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If quality of internet connectivity is important to you, you’ll love the AISQM.
The AISQM is in its first phase of implementation. We’d like to share with you, information on internet service quality in Accra. This is from talking to you and many other Ghanaian professionals, living and working in Accra. Learn more about Ultraswift and our partners, who make this study possible – About Ultraswift

How The AISQM is created – Accra Internet Service Quality Map method
Firstly, we want to make our aim transparent because we want to make sure that we a quality database of responses.
That being said, our aim is to learn, inform and then work with internet service providers to improve internet service quality provision in Accra.
Step 1 – Internet service quality in Accra
We need your help – Tell us about your internet in Accra, by answering these questions. Nobody, including our Ultraswift Team, will know who gave specific answers. Your responses are anonymous and we will neither share your personal information publicly, nor share them with any 3rd parties or partners, deliberately.
Should you feel that your personal information has been shared, due to any of our actions or content, please send our leadership team an email, at
When you complete the questionnaire, your responses are securely recorded. Then, we learn about internet service connectivity in Accra because we can compare crowdsourced information, with the connectivity service quality information (QoS Monitoring Report). The team at National Communications Authority (NCA), which is the Ghanaian telecoms regulator, collects this information. You can find more information on their latest reports on their website.
Step 2 – Produce the Accra internet service quality map
We get to work – Once we have a good sample size, we will collate and share a internet service quality and connectivity map, that is based on this crowdsourced interent service quality information. The AISQM is a visual report, so that everyone can easily see and understand the information that is analysed. You can find some good visual examples of information, at the Visual Capitalist website. This example is a visual look at how global central banks, are responding to COVID-19
Step 3 – Share internet service quality map with technical and institutional stakeholders
The final step is to use this as a basis to do further technical tests and data collection, in order to inform residents and internet service providers, regarding the connectivity in the area.
The AISQM Survey protocol
- Would you like to know the results? This is what Ultraswift will share with you in a visual format, while we build the online tool (Available in Phase 4 of the AISQM project. There is more information in point 2 below)
- This survey is also the first step to creating a web tool that helps us all monitor and engage with our internet service providers, to keep our internet connectivity quality at optimum levels and troubleshoot and solve issues relating to internet service quality in Accra
Here is a summary of the survey
We have outlined Phase 1, in Step 1 above. There are 5 sections :
1. SECTION 1 – Introduction – Which internet service provider do you use?
2. SECTION 2 – Please tell us more about your internet connection
3. SECTION 3 – What do you do online?
4. SECTION 4 – In which area do you stay?
5. SECTION 5- Why is this survey of interest?
This is the list of neighbourhoods or areas in Accra, that users can choose from to answer SECTION 4 of the AISQM,
Here is an example of an internet connectivity map : SpeedChecker Connectivity Map